IRES, Inc. Celebrates 30 Years!

IRES – Inter-Regional Executive Search, Inc. is proud to be celebrating 30 years of providing outstanding talent to the insurance industry.
We Thank all of the clients and candidates (many who have eventually become hiring managers themselves) who have entrusted their companies and careers with us.
1.5 million Americans were laid off during the recession of 1990-1991. At the time it was called the great recession. On January 31 Frank Risalvato filed incorporation papers to launch IRES, Inc. Many believed we would not last through the end of the year.
But for every cloud there is a silver lining. Many white collar professionals with significant experience were also caught up during this recession. This offered a wide talent pool of deep experience to build our team from.
Originally it was Hank Halat, Walter Broliwiecz, Randi Moore, Randy Johnson, who built our pharmacetial, telecommunications, insurance, and chemical engineering recruiting practices. Each having over a decade of hiring and supervising their own teams at prior companies and came with a large contact list.
Whether its the S&L recession, dot-com bust, asian crisis, mortgage crisis, Black Monday, or a pandemic crisis – there’s always plentiful reasons to not do something but rarely are all the stars in perfect alignment to launch a company.
We hope our experience offers many others contemplating making a career move to not focus on negatives which always will exist. Focus on what could be.
We thank all our early client families who placed their trust in us, many who continued doing business with us for 10, 20 and more years consecutively, for all your trust, confidence, and friendship.